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Blessed Carlo Acutis Feast Day

The Church Honors 12-Year-Old Carlo Acutis, the "Eucharistic Miracle" Boy

A Testament to Faith and Devotion

The Catholic Church has beatified Carlo Acutis, a 12-year-old Italian boy who died in 2006 of leukemia. Carlo is the youngest person to be beatified in modern history and the first to be recognized for his devotion to the Eucharist.

A Life Inspired by the Eucharist

Carlo was born in London in 1991 to Italian parents. He moved to Italy at the age of 3. From a young age, Carlo exhibited an extraordinary love for the Eucharist. He would often spend hours in front of the tabernacle, praying and meditating. He also volunteered at a soup kitchen and helped the homeless.

A Miracle Attributed to Carlo's Intercession

In 2010, a Brazilian boy named Matheus was suffering from a life-threatening pancreatic condition. His family prayed to Carlo for intercession, and Matheus miraculously recovered. The Vatican has since recognized this healing as a miracle attributed to Carlo's intercession.

Carlo was officially beatified by Pope Francis on October 10, 2020. His feast day is celebrated on October 12, the anniversary of his death.

A Model for Youth and Adults

Carlo Acutis is a powerful example of faith, devotion, and service. His life reminds us of the importance of the Eucharist in our own spiritual lives and encourages us to follow his example of giving back to our communities.
